NEW! Mr. Oxygen's
Good friend Tomco's
ZANA™ Bio Juice
Mr. Oxygen's Formulas: 305-933-4219 or 888-Oxy-Oxy3
"Because the real full variety of intestinal flora can't grow on processed adulterated foods.
The very foods you have eaten mostly your whole life. Simply can't live on them.
This fact asks you -
right in your face -
then how can you really digest properly?
Digestion Is a Whopping
of Your Immune System!"
a life of processed barely alive and empty of minerals food has mutated the good bacteria in your gut
down to a
low action barely viable survival level - because they have been forced to mutate -
that's the only way they could survive on your barely natural
processed food.
Contains the oxygenated vegetable organic juices of green cabbage, red cabbage, carrots, onions, scallions, parsley, cilantro, garlic, ginger, jalapeno pepper, filtered pure water and the following highly beneficial intestinal food digesting bacteria; L Rhamnosus, L Acidophilus, L Plantarum, L Salvarius, & S Thermophilus. And the most important and best part is, they are totally actively ALIVE! Llike they are originally supposed to be! Forget store yogurt, pills, probioticcs, etc. All dead or mutated, from being raised on substandard empty of minerals culture media. Once people get the real active alive multiple organism flora in them, they all clamor for more!
It's Alive!
The only available LIVING real & fully active correct and delicious flora pro-biotic loaded with a full spectrum of natural minerals, used and preferred by cutting edge healthcare professionals in the know.
Our food is so empty of minerals that it is slowly killing us while we blindly trust it to be "safe." Safe also means "as Nature intended" but that part is ignored, and lack of that is what's killing us. Labratory analysis proves our food has only 3 to 6 minerals in it on average. We're supposed to have a minimum of 78 minerals! How can your immune system work? How can your body defend and repair itself? How can you think and have balanced emotions? Here is our perfect solution. Get the soil right again, get the natural flora in it right again, and get OxyVeg inside you as fast as you can, and then keep putting it in you continuously.
Forget store bought, forget organic, forget bio-dynamic, even forget your backyard garden, sorry. We are way past all the old ways here. ZANA juice is a synergistic LIVING pro-biotic formula offering at least five of the most vital and stable strains of friendly flora. For many months before you get our ZANA Bio-Juice, these specially raised digestive life forms were being lovingly nurtured, and fed special diets in naturally perfected over time specially composted soils, and then delivered to you fresh, in special packaging that keeps them alive and viable, and totally compatible with your digestive system. Your body can finally replenish and correct its own flora!
For optimal effectiveness, refrigerate and use before expiration date. Suggested Daily Usage: Start with 1 ounce every two hours you are awake, for the first couple of days. Then take three ounces once or twice daily, every single day, to be sure, for a minimum of three months. TRY IT! Many are very quickly simply amazed. 64 Fluid Oz.
Worth every penny.
Zana™ to your daily servings of
Mr. Oxygen's®; OxyMins™,
OxyLift®, OxySulfur™, OxyEarth®, &
Super OxyFlush® for the
complete life you have really always deserved. Get the
complete story of
all known oxygen and mineral therapies in Mr. Oxygen's
best-selling book:
Flood Your Body With Oxygen,
Therapy For Our Polluted
World, and Flood
Your Body With
Oxygen, The Video a 4 Disc DVD Set.
3 Minute Mr. Oxygen® Oxy-Videos Now On YouTube!
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20 Minute: Hear Ed on radio’s global program, The Expat Show™...heard 24/7
Mr. Oxygen® 48 Minute Oxy Video On Google Video
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